This was ok. I realise that it's become a cult phenomenon but nothing about it really got my interest besides Susan Sarandon, and a few catchy songs. Alot of the time I had difficulty following exactly what was going on. I know it's not the most complex plot in the world, anything but, but alot of the plot was told through the songs, and they were hard to follow. I found it hard to figure out what the point was besides singing songs and flashing cleavage. Then again maybe that's all there really is to it.
The humour, eh. Ok. There were a few laugh out loud moments. The plot: a newly engaged couple are stranded in the middle of nowhere after a blowout, they walk to a dodgy looking castle which they had just passed on the road, they're looking for a phone, they enter the castle, they meet a bunch of crazy people, songs are sung, sex happens, the gay master of the castle Dr. Frank N. Furter creates his "Frankenstein monster" called Rocky Horror as his sex toy, Meat Loaf is in it, and that's about it. Generally just a mish mash of all these elements and you've got some sort of cult phenomenon.
I don't get it to be honest. Apparently it's a great movie for lots of people to watch all at once after a drunken night out. I didn't HATE it at the same time though. The songs are really catchy. "Lets doooo the tiiiiime waaaaarp agaaaaaain!" I liked that one. I'll say it's average, and if I were watching this with lots of people while drunk I might think it's great, because when you're drunk generally everything is either "the best thing in the world!!!!" or "I hate that F*&n movie!!!" and have a big rant about it. And I didn't hate it so I'll call it "the greatest thing everrrrrrr!" just so long as you're drunk at the time.
Saw this when I was like 13, and needless to say, I didn't get it either. Probably worth revisiting just to give it a fair shot. Really fuckin' weird though.
Ya it is really weird. Susan Sarandon's cleavage is the best thing about the film. Never realized she was so hot back then.
Tim Curry has great legs. I think that was an important aspect of the film.
Haha, now he was a strange dude. Just found out that he played the clown in "IT". That guy obviously loves creeping people out.
I saw it last night again. It is brilliant one. Tim Curry did great job. I would love to watch it once again :)
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